Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Exodus 14:14

My poor little puppy is sick today. Normally he is very independent and although he's incredibly soft and cuddly to hug, he usually prefers to be what I like to call, "a big dog" and prefers to only be held for a little while, and then be on his way attending to his puppy business.

Today he's having stomach problems from both ends. I actually had to pause in the middle of writing that last sentence to run him outside really quick to throw up again. Poor little Barney.
I find it fascinating how even Barney the little puppy, normally super autonomous, today is curled up in my lap, staying as still as possible so as not to upset his tummy again, resting his head in the nook of my arm, and finding comfort in my presence.

I think we sometimes forget that we can be exactly like Barney when we feel like total crap.  When everything is going wrong, you don't always have to fight. You don't have to keep up the "nothing to see here" charade acting as if everything is hunky-dory,  You don't even have to do ANYTHING. You can just curl up in your Dad's lap. You can rest your head and hide your face in the nook of His arms. He will fight for you.

You are loved.